Miami Great E-Skate 06
The Sunday Bladers were well represented at the 2006 Great
EsSkate. The weather was almost perfect for the Friday and Saturday skates.
We had a little head wind on Saturday but mostly at the end of the skate
after the picnic when returning to the hotel. Sunday was a different story.
It was cold and windy. Not a nice day to skate but of course most of us did
anyway. As usual the Miami sponsoring group did an excellent job of
everything. The dinner and party after the skate on Friday night was very
good and all had a great time. The picnic buffet on Saturday was very good.
Several Sunday Bladers won prizes at the drawing. A few of us got sunburnt
on Saturday on the parts of our body we missed putting sun screen on.
Sunday..... well actually some of us had a nice separate skate and got back
in plenty of time to shower, pack, check out and head for home. Foremost, it
was a great social time and we all had plenty of time to enjoy the
comradeship of our fellow bladers.
From the past:
2007 2006
