The Sunday Bladers

What's Up:  More Cool Stuff to Do



>>The Sunday Skate

Read the full Sunday skate description.

>>The Monday Night Skate
This is a Skate that meets every Monday Night in Downtown St. Petersburg. If you would like to have some fun blading and meet new friends, come and join us. We meet at 6:30, Skate Roll out at 7:00 pm in Downtown St. Petersburg in the parking lot on North Shore Dr NE and 12th Ave. The parking lot is adjacent to the tennis courts on the North side and adjacent to but slightly West of the restrooms. Here's a picture and more information.
>>The Thursday Night Skate Party
This is a Skate that meets every Thursday Night in Downtown St. Petersburg. This is Not a Skate for Beginners. This is an Intermediate Fun Skate, always with a Party. We meet at The Bayboro Tavern in the University of South Florida campus parking lot at 7:30 pm, Roll out at 8:00 pm. Here's a picture and more information.



A Big Thanks to all the contributing photographers, without you guys this page would not be possible.
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© 2014 The Sunday Bladers