In Memory of
LAUREN GUERETTE, of Tampa/Hyde Park

May Your Wheels Keep Rolling on that
Big Trail in the Sky
Lauren skated with our
area bladers for the past 10-12 years, primarily in Tampa, but she did skate in
Pinellas County with the Sunday Bladers. She participated in the Bill Jackson’s
Trail Skate, the FriendshipTrail Race and the Great Eskate in Miami, as well as,
Tampa Skates and the Thursday Night Skates in St. Pete.
Five years ago Lauren
married Harvey Minton, they skated together with us and also participated in
numerous biking events.
On March 2nd,
2008, Lauren woke up with a severe headache; Harvey took her to the hospital
where she was diagnosed with an aneurysm a blood clot in the brain. She was
operated on immediately, while in recovery Lauren’s family requested, privacy
and no visitors, in hopes that her recovery would be peaceful and calm. While
in recovery, sadly, Lauren suffered a stroke. At that point, Lauren was
transferred to a long term hospital; she was in a coma-like state but with her
eyes open. The family was informed that the bleeding was too severe for recovery
and she was then transferred to a hospice where she died peacefully, Tuesday,
April 29th, with her family by her side. At the families’ request,
funeral services will be private.
Kyle, Mike M, Charles and
Jeanine recently visited Lauren; they experienced some eye movement like she
might have recognized them, but no other form of communication. Charles & Karen
played music on Saturday and several bladers & bikers gathered to say their
Words seem inadequate to
express the sadness we feel about Lauren’s passing. She was truly a beautiful
person, inside and out, and was loved by all who knew her. We know how
difficult this must be for Harvey, her two daughters Marissa and Lexine Anastos,
her parents Robert and Judy Guerette of Maine, and Lauren’s entire family,
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
donations may be made in Lauren's name to LifePath Hospice, 12973 Telecom
Parkway Suite 100, Temple Terrace FL 33637,
or The Brain Aneurysm Foundation,
Thanks to Jeanine and
Suzanne for the Photos and the text in this dedication.