Christine & Rogers Super Bowl Party
Christine and Roger had another great Super Bowl Party. The weather almost cooperated. It was fairly warm but there were a few sprinkles. Sitting outside the last quarter was a little damp. As usual there was the giant outside projection screen, the big dining room projection screen and the recreation room TV. The huge container of beer was a little hard to find but it was packed full of good beer. Food.......Well there was enough to feed about 200 hundred hungry people and just about anything one desired to devour. Eating and drinking too much was the problem. I didn't see any snakes this year but there was this sweet little cat that thought she was a monkey and climbed every where. There also was this little Dachshund going around and greeting everyone. Oh yes and there was the football game. As planned it was full of action and impossible to tell who was going to win until the final whistle blew. The Packers won to the delight of many and to the dismay of others. Thanks again Christine and Roger for a delightful, fun and social evening.
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