The Sunday Bladers




Innisbrook - 20th Year Celebration

Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. We had a nice blue sky with a few clouds, temperatures in the 80s and a little breeze. We had 43 people show up for this group picture and another 17 come for the picnic and celebration. Of the 43 people in the picture only 5 were not planning to blade or bicycle. This left us with too many people for one group of bladers/bicyclers so we divided up into two groups. Herb would take one group through Innisbrook and go South and come out around Wall Springs, go North up the Pinellas Trail and back into Innisbrook at the Klosterman/Mill Ridge Road Gate. Bruce would take the other group and go out the Klosterman/Mill Ridge Road Gate and go South on the Pinellas Trail and then back for a 10 mile round trip. This worked out good. We had small groups go from ~8 miles up to 14 miles. When we have time we might try to figure out what the mix was of bladers and bicyclers.

Having completed out blading/bicycling, we prepared for our picnic. This didn't take too long as we had done a lot of the work before we did our blading/bicycling. There was lots and lots of food to eat and Dee fixed hamburgers and hotdogs. If anyone didn't eat too much, it was there own fault. Having stuffed ourselves with lots of delicious food, it was time to jump into the pool. The pool was lovely and relaxing and wonderful.

Oh yes and I had to tell the story once again of how Saray loured Lou into going rollerblading when he was supposed to be fishing with his buddies. As it turned out 20 years ago most of us took up rollerblading as the spearfishing died down. Thanks Saray for conning us into the last 20 years of fun and exercise.


A Big Thanks to all the contributing photographers, without you guys this page would not be possible.
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