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Skyway Access Trail
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. We had beautiful blue skies, temperatures in the low to high 70's and a little SE breeze. Bladers/bicyclers Rob H, Phil V & Cindy, Sandy R, Steve G, Rick P & Ginnie S, Linda C, Roy H, Carol J, Dan C, Nancy & Bob L, Jim & Wilma F, Jeff B & Bruce M. Welcome all. We did the usual Skyway Access Trail with a little side trip through the new subdivision near the Marina on 58th Ave. We could have cut through the subdivision to the Marina but there was too much construction debree so we went back around via 31st St. Carol tried a new little addition around a lake but indicated it was too bumpy. Almost everyone did the 13.5 mile round trip. We had 2 bladers and 15 bicyclers.
We had some discussion on where to Brunch but Carol wanted catfish so we did Skyway Jacks for her. We got right in and seated at 4 tables. Service varied with the tables but all got in and out within an hour. Carol rated her catfish a 9.9 but everyone didn't have catfish so we ended up with a 9.6 rating.
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