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Treasure Island
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. We had a nice day with slightly cloudy skies, temperatures in the 80s and a little SE breeze. Bladers/Bicyclers Carol J, John L, 1st timer Eileen B, Ginnie S & Rick P, Joanie C, Nick S, Dorey Anne, Breeze, Dee T, 1st timer Nick B, Wilma & Jim F, Nancy & Bob L, Linda & Dan C and Bruce M made the group picture. Jeff B and Roy H missed the group picture. We did our usual Isle of Capri, Beach side walk and Isle of Palms route with a few extra island fingers here and there. We had 18 bicyclers and 2 bladers. Our round trip distance was 11.5 miles.
We tried to Brunch at Ricky T's but Janet L was not with us to reserve tables at Ricky T's. When we got to Ricky T's it was obvious we wouldn't get seated in a reasonable time. Fortunately Joanie went across to the beach side and found the Bazzies restaurant in the Bilmar Hotel was very nice and had plenty of restaurant seats available. Eighteen of us went to Bazzies and had a great Brunch. Thanks again Joanie. We had ratings of 9 to 9.5. We'll give Bazzies a 9.3.
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