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Treasure Island
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. Well... the streets were a little wet, the wind was blowing and it was about 68 degrees. Very Brave Bicyclers/Bladers John L, Steve G, Dee T, Jeff B, Joseph W, Bruce M, Janet L, Frankie L, Carol J and Rob H came. We decided to do the regular Isle of Capri, Treasure Island and Isle of Palms route but stop near the end and Brunch at Ricky T's and then bicycle back to our cars. While we were going along the beach side walk on Treasure Island, we came across Leo F. doing a morning jog. Was good to see Leo again. Almost everyone did the 13.3 mile round trip. We had 9 bicyclers and one blader. Joseph W. renewed his Sponsorship for 2014. Thanks Joseph for the web site support.
As planned we Brunched at Ricky T's but during our bicycle/blade. Janet and Frankie had gone ahead and reserved 3 tables for us. Thanks Janet and Frankie. Ricky T's was very busy but gave us pretty good service and coffee refills. Rob rated his Brunch a 9.7.
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