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Keystone Rd Trail
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. It was overcast and in the high 60s with a brisk NE breeze. Pretty good for a day out doors in late November. Bladers/Bicyclers Dorey Anne, Dimitri F, Chris & Theressa V, Bruce M, Ginnie S, Karen T, Rick P, Patrice H, Patricia K, Peggy E, Carol J, Jim H, Dee T, Mike M, Herb E, Lessie R, Steve G, Ronny, Rob H and Dave A. Welcome all. We started out at the Old Train Station in Tarpon Springs, worked our way to the North end of the Pinellas Trail and onto the Keystone Road Trail all the way to East Lake Road and back. On the way back most also did the North Spur Trail. Round trip was about 12 miles. We had 4 bladers and 17 bicyclists. Dave A renewed his Sponsorship for 2014. Thanks Dave for the web site support.
We Brunched at the Danny Kay restaurant replacement, Bayou Cafe, as planned. Herb had made our reservation in advance. Thanks Herb. We got right in and 22 of us seated at a big long table they set up for us. Besides their regular menu, Bayou Cafe had a very nice Buffet set up. A lot of our group had the Buffet and the rest Brunch off the regular menu. Naturally those having the Buffet made the rest of us watch them eat a delicious Brunch while we waited for ours. Unfortunately they were a waitress short and some had to wait a long time for Brunch. Those with the Buffet rated their Brunch a 10. Those on the regular menu that got served in a reasonable time rated their Brunch a 9.5 Was afraid to ask the others.
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