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Curlew Rd & The Trail
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. It was in the 70s (burrrrr) with a little breeze out of the NE and clear skies. Bladers/Bicyclers Dee T, Patrica K, Roy H, new bicycler Lana D, Tom D, Carol J, Ginnie S, Rick P, Dave A, Peggy E, Dimitri F, Delaney D, Kim D, Karen T, Bruce M, Steve G, Jeff B and Charles C & new bicycler Patrice H. (who missed the group picture) came today. Welcome all. We discussed going out to Honeymoon Island or heading North on the Trial. North on the Trail won. This turned out to be a good choice as the first 4 miles going North were wonderfully smooth new trail surface. Believe the Trail going South to Main Street has also been resurfaced. We stopped at Wall Springs hoping to view the burnt down tower but the Park at Wall Springs was fenced off for now. However we did manage to go into the Park just North of the bridge over the trail. This Park surface was pretty rough though. We had 4 Bladers and 15 Bicyclers. Most everyone did the 12 mile round trip.
We Brunched at Benedict's as planned. We got right in and seated at two tables. Benedict's was pretty busy and service got off to a slow start. However we did get in and out within an hour. Coffee flowed pretty good and the food was great as usual. Rick P rated his Brunch a 9.8 which most all agreed with.
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