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Walsingham Park
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. It was a little overcast and a cool 77 degrees F. We had a good turn out with 22 people attending. Skaters/ bladers Cindy S, Wendy H, Dennis & Ellen H, Bill E, Dorey Anne & Bruce, Jim H, Sara D, Dee T, Glenn & Sandy R, Rob & Amy H, Carol J, Rick & Ginnie, Jeff B, Roy H, Dimitri F, Karen T and new skater Rebecca H came. We did our normal Walsingham Park route including a pass through the Botanical Gardens on the first round. I think everyone did three rounds for 11 miles. We had 11 skaters and 11 bicyclers. Rebecca had such a good time she became a Sponsor. Thanks Rebecca for the Web Site support.
We Brunched at the Savory Restaurant as planned. We got right in and seated at 3 tables. Service was pretty good, the coffee flowed freely and the food was great as usual. Rob and others agreed on a rating of 9.75.
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