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Seminole City Park
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. It was in the high 60's with a brisk NW wind. We therefore decided to head North up the Trail to West Bay and back. Absentees Bill & Kathy came today. New bicycler Jane C came. Welcome all. With all the wind the trail was strewn with debris which caused the skaters a little problem. We all struggled up two overpasses and decided to turn around at the bottom of the West Bay over pass. Everyone did the 10.5 mile round trip.
We didn't Brunch at Mama's Kitchen as planned but Brunched at the Seminole Family Restaurant. They got us all seated right away at a nice big table. Service was good and the coffee flowed freely. They also had the option of eating cafeteria style. Bill tried it and seemed happy with it. The rest ordered from the menu. We had ratings from 8.5 to 9.5 so we'll give them a 9.
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