
Main Street Dunedin
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. We decided to head North. When we came to Curlew, some wanted to do Honey Moon Island and some wanted to keep going North. We hadn't been North in a while, so North we went. Absentee bladers Joesph & Mary Beth, Sandy & Glen, Tom D,Karen S, Jeanine & Howard, Doug came. New bladers Ron & Sally H. came. Welcome all. The trail North was a little rough but not too bad. A group turned around at Crystal Beach and a little more aggressive group went to the "Bat Tunnel" to turn around. Dee reported the Crystal Beach group did 13.5 miles and the Bat Tunnel group did 15.2 miles. We had 5 bicyclists. Chris W, Diane L, Willi and Janice renewed their Sponsorship since last Sunday.
We Brunched at Iris's as planned. We sort of over whelmed Iris's and they were a little slow. It took us over an hour to get in and out. However the food and social activity was good. We had ratings from 8.5 to 9.