
Pink Streets/Skyway Access
Another Beautiful Day
in Paradise. It was such a perfect day, we decided to do the
Skyway Access Trail instead of the Pink Streets. We had
quite a few that hadn't done the Skyway Access Trail before
and many more that had not done it in a long time. We had to
caution a few to be careful coming down the steep Misener
Marine Bridge. Absentee bladers/bicyclers
Brian & Linda, Dennis & Ellen, Deb B.
and Paula came. New blader Doug W. came.
Welcome all. We had
a group go to the Blackthorn Memorial and a few more go on
to the Fishing Pier. Those that went to the Blackthorn
Memorial did 8.25 miles and those to the Fishing Pier did
9.75 miles. We had 7 bicyclists. Since last Sunday;
we've had Glenn, Sandy, Linda S, Brian
C and Steve G renew their Sponsorships. Thanks for the web
site support you all.
Jeff B wasn't with us, so we Brunched at Skyway Jacks.
Skyway Jacks was pretty crowded but we got right in and
seated. We did have to sit at 5 different tables though.
Service was good and so was the food. Rob rated his Brunch a
9. He must not have had one of the Corn Muffins which were
to die for.