
Clearwater Beach
Another Beautiful Day
in Paradise. Well... we did have that wind out of the SE at
about 15-20 mph. We didn't alter our route for the wind but
did take the new E-W trail along the South side of Memorial
Causeway. The newly paved trail is wonderful and fun. Those
that did the Clearwater Bridge did the South side also. We
also extended our part along the beach all the way to the
Sand Key Bridge as the sidewalk is all new. Absentee skaters
Sherrie and Pete, Toby, Laura,
Wendy, Suzanne and Willi joined us.
New bicycler Ginnie joined us
again. Welcome all.
We had 6 bicyclers out of the 25 attending.
Roy recorded the skate was 12.5 miles.
A couple in our group have become engaged. I'm not allowed
to say whom but only CONGRATULATIONS!!!
We Brunched at Georgie Boys as planned. We got in
immediately as they had two tables set up and waiting for
us. Service was excellent. Jeff rated the Brunch at 9.5.