
Main Street Dunedin
Another Beautiful Day
in Paradise. It was a perfect day for blading with a little
wind out of the East. Everyone wanted to head North so we
did. When we got to the Honeymoon Island cutoff, some wanted
to skate further North but the majority prevailed and we
skated to Honeymoon Island. We had taken a picture at the
Boxcar but were missing a few late comers so we took another
at the Honeymoon Island sign. I think we got everyone in the
picture. Absentees Natalie, Ray,
Ken L, Mark and Monica joined us.
A new skater to our
group, Ginnie S joined us.
Welcome all. Roy indicated the main group did 10.5 miles. A
few just had to do the Trail bridge and did about another
We Brunched at Iris's as planned. Suzanne, Willi and Michael
skated the trail to Brunch. Iris's let them in with their
blades on. Iris's wasn't that busy when we got there and we
got seated immediately. Chris, James and the Easter Bunny
joined us for Brunch. Rob rated the Brunch a 9.5 and several
others agreed.