Walmart, Subway
Brunch by Bruce's Darlene
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. We
headed South as the trail is pretty good that way, we hadn't
done that part of the Trail in a long time and that way only
has two bridges. Those that did the whole distance to 34th
St and back did 13 miles
as reported by Dee.
Absentee skaters Breeze,
Laura, Ellen, Glennis, Birgit and Steve made the skate.
Welcome back skaters.
Brunch was a Birthday
Party for Breeze, Karen S, Herb and Bruce
at the Myers's house. Darlene M and her helpers,
Karin K, Kayle and Darlene B had Brunch on the Table ready
for us hungry bladers when we arrived.
Special thanks go out to Karin K & Kyle
who worked parts of two days helping to get
ready and Darlene B.
who pitched in and helped today. We never would have made it
without you!!!!!!!!!! Thirteen more skaters made it to the
Brunch that didn't skate. Those that
we haven't seen in a long time
were Ken & Monica, Ken
Moody, Deb D, Deb B, Berna, Glenn & Sandy and Bob F.
Thanks skaters for helping us celebrate our 39th birthdays
Several Blading Schedule changes were pressed into works at
Brunch. May 4th, 11th and 18th skating location changes were
tentatively made. May 4th to Denver Park to assist the 3
events that day, May 11th to Straub Park and May 18th to
Andrea's lodge on the Withlacoochee Trail. Details to
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through this email address karinkoch@tampabay.rr.com
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